Pedestrian Detection

Pedestrian Detection

Pedestrian safety is an ongoing challenge in today’s world. MH Corbin is using video analytics to proactively warn motorists of the presence of pedestrians in the roadway.

5,300 pedestrians

In 2015, over 5,300 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States. This averages to one crash-related pedestrian death every 1.6 hours.



MH Corbin utilizes video images from Bosch cameras to detect the presence of a pedestrian, whether the pedestrian is located inside or outside a designated crosswalk by mapping out detection zones. Once a pedestrian is detected an alert is sent from the camera to the Connect:ITS.



The Connect:ITS will receive and analyze the camera alert by running it through the onboard scripting engine. As part of this process, the Connect:ITS will determine which outputs will be activated.



Once the alert has been analyzed the Connect:ITS will communicate the presence of a pedestrian to motorists in the area. This can be accomplished using several methods including flashing warning signs, flashing beacons and DSRC messages to connected vehicles.