Queue Detection

Queue Detection

The Queue Detection & Warning System alerts drivers of traffic conditions in work zones or congested areas. The system uses real-time traffic sensors located upstream of stopped or slow traffic in order to warn drivers ahead of time and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

42 Hours

The amount of time a typical highway user sits in traffic every year due to congestion.

$300 billion

Traffic congestion cost U.S. motorists nearly $300 billion in 2016 related to wasted fuel and productivity.



The Connect:ITS gathers volume, occupancy and speed data utilizing radar sensors and video. This data can be from any number of existing devices already installed on the roadway.



The Connect:ITS analyzes the incoming data against a set of predetermined thresholds. Once these thresholds are met, the queue detection system will be activated and begin to communicate to the motorists.



One of the major advantages of the Queue Detection and Warning System from MH Corbin is the multiple ways the information can be communicated to the motorists. The CONNECT:ITS can communicate to dynamic message signs, portable message signs, flashing beacon signs and connected vehicles via DSRC.